Breeder – Garden of Green
Chocolope is a highly recommended choice whenever you need to be more confident because it may help you to become more sociable. Many people adore her not only for her amazing effects but also for her enticing coffee aroma. With notes of earthiness, pungent, and sweetness, this aromatic scent will tickle your nose.
These awe-inspiring notes are more noticeable in Chocolope flowers. While she is not an easy-to-grow cannabis strain, you will adore her for being incredibly tall and large. She will require more space in your garden for this. It can be difficult to cultivate her indoors. Leaving her outside makes her susceptible to molds. As a result, you must set aside enough time each day to check on her. Don’t be concerned.
As a way of compensating for your efforts, she yields massively. With a flowering period of 70 – 75 days, it produces 450 gr m2 indoor / 600-700 gr. plant outdoor.
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